Thursday, May 19, 2011

Work Starts on the Gazebo

First gazebo (killed in ice storm)
The work on the new gazebo is getting started (between the raindrops).  However, please note that I'm using the term "gazebo" rather loosely...  what I'm building will have a peaked roof (which is normally not part of gazebo design) and railings.  I decided on a 45-degree roof because last year my "gazebo" collapsed under the weight of all the ice and snow... so if you can't do it right on the first go-around... you get stuck doing it again.  Oh well, live and learn. 

The project began with the decision to rebuild in the same location with a different design (although I probably should also have decided to use a different carpenter -- the last one I used, me, did a pretty lousy job).  This time around my son is helping out and his assistance is greatly appreciated.  Here are a few pics of the start of the project:

Starting with a nice clean deck area
Adding cross beams to the uprights
Hmmmm.... I think the roof goes here
Good job holding it straight!  Another screw or two to hold it...

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