Saturday, May 28, 2011

Completing the Gazebo

Maybe it's just me, but whenever I come close to finishing a project I start freaking about about the possibility that something will go wrong at the last minute (and invariably it does... a self-fulfilling prophesy perhaps).  At the very end of this gazebo project my miter saw started acting weirdly -- instead of stopping within a few seconds after a cut was made, it continued to spin for a while longer.  Oh oh... immediately I started thinking "Where can I find a repair manual?  Is there one online somewhere?  Do I need to replace the unit?  Is it a broken part?  Where the heck is a service center?  Is my warranty still good?"  The thoughts that ran through my head were akin to panic.  Not good.  Fortunately, my son was at hand, and with a wrench and a simple twist, he tightened up something that needed to be tightened, and then everything in the world was wonderful again.  Cooler heads will always prevail.  Some pics:

Lattice is mounted on the rear of the gazebo
Robert screws the lattice onto the frame
Lattice has been added to the front and the trim at the edges will be added next

Balusters and Rails are added to the front
Another railing is added to the side and we're almost finished
Next on the list:  a bit of hand-saw work, some ornamental and/or functional braces, additional cross-beams (if they are needed for aesthetic or plant-hanging purposes), perhaps some exterior wood stain... but most importantly... some plants and furniture to turn the gazebo into a very special and relaxing place.  

You might wonder what overall tips I can give you at the end of this project -- first, always get yourself a great and willing assistant; second, buy your lattice at Home Depot instead of Lowe's (same price but vastly superior quality); third, keep making your wife happy (you'll have a better life).

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