Sunday, May 29, 2011

Grooming the Shade Garden

A garden path is supposed to look relatively clean, with friendly plants coming up to the edge to say hello.  Unfortunately this year my ground cover must have been on steroids and decided to cover the garden path wherever possible.  This meant a bit of work for me.  First, the ground cover had to be pulled out by the roots, (but of course, they have these tendrils that shoot out and develop new sets of roots, so you're always pulling out a multiple set of roots).  It's an OK job in the shade even on a humid day but it does take a while.  Afterwards, the harvested ground cover has to be replanted.  I picked another shady spot and planted them a bunch at a time by dropping some very moist top soil on top of their roots.  Hopefully, they'll live... they seem to be fairly resilient.  A few pics:

This is what a garden path should look like -- clean with rocks at the edges for the frogs -- do you see them?
This is what my garden path looked like after the ground cover decided to take over the world
A bit of trimming, and presto!  you can see the path again!

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