Friday, May 27, 2011

Raking Away the Straw

After last night's severe thunderstorm, the morning was cool and crisp with just a hint of sunshine -- the perfect time to do some necessary yard work. As the disaster that calls itself my lawn was starting to come alive... the re-seeding and over-seeding was taking effect (as blades of grass were now growing where only ugliness lived before), it was just the right moment to begin removing the straw that I had placed over the seeded barren patches. 

I worked slowly.  Very slowly.  I didn't want to damage any of the young baby grasses (and admittedly I own a lousy rake that's badly in need of replacement).  After two hours of work I had finished perhaps 30% of the straw-covered areas... but it was looking good.  And no, I didn't do a perfect job... that can wait until I finish the other 70% and after the grass has come in a bit stronger -- but not bad for an intermediate measure.  At this rate my lawn will be just perfect for a putting green in perhaps... a couple of years, but one can dream.  Altogether I managed to clear away two trash barrels worth of straw.

When the work day is over (we all have real jobs), I'll continue with the work on the gazebo.

Chauly cleans off the debris that came down in last night's storm
Here's the first batch of straw raked up
Look!  This used to be barren and ugly, now it's becoming green.  Even Rocky (our dog) appreciates the process

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