Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Six years ago we bought a stick

cherry blossoms
When we first moved into the property we decided to grow some fruit trees... the hard way.  We knew nothing about grafting or cross-pollinating, or trees in multiple genders; we only knew that you could order fruit trees and that if you were lucky, they wouldn't die with the first snow.  Naturally I was quite excited when my wife informed me that the fruit trees had arrived.

I looked around, but all I saw was a package of sticks.  Sticks?  Yep, this was apparently how fruit trees are grown... one stick at a time.  Just drop them into some water and wait... and wait.  Fast forward by six years and now we have a tree worthy to be planted.  The tree that went into the ground today is some kind of black cherry.  Pictures from the planting ceremony follow:

Chauly inaugurates the ground-breaking ceremony
Just look at that energy!
The hole should be about this wide...
OK..., now it's your turn
Hooray!  The hole is deep enough!
Getting the black cherry tree ready for planting... careful with those roots!

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